Date: Issue 135 - December 2024
1st Air Maintenance Factory Directorate (HBFM), which is the largest maintenance facility where the Depot-Level Maintenance needs of combat and jet training aircraft within the Turkish Air Force are met. It carries out Depot-Level Maintenance and Modifications of F-16C/D, F-4E 2020, F/NF-5 2000, and T-38M aircraft in the Turkish Air Force inventory. It also undertakes the maintenance, repair, and revision works for F110-GE-100C&129/129D Turbofan Engines, J79-GE-17C, J85-CAN-15N, and J85-GE-5H Turbojet Engines used in these aircraft, and TF-33 Turbofan Engines used in E-3A AWACS Aircraft, T56-A-15 LFE, TYNE-Mk-22 and CT7-9C Turboprop Engines Used in C-130B/E, C-160D, and CN235-100M Transport Aircraft, various types of models engine starters such as T700 used in S-70 Black Hawk Helicopters, Makila 1A1 powering Cougar Helicopters and JFS (F-16C/D 210shp powered Gas Turbine Engine for F-16C/D) & GTC (210shp Gas Turbine Engine for C-130 and C-160 Aircraft) types (they give the engine the first movement). The 1st HBFM provides analytical control, painting, and avionics system maintenance and repair support for KT-1T Training Aircraft in the inventory of the Turkish Air Force. It has already started making preparations to create the infrastructure for the Depot-Level Maintenance (D-Level or DLM) needs that are expected to come to the agenda in the next 5 years, and it also continues its efforts to gain Depot-Level Maintenance and DLM capabilities for PT6 Turboprop and LM2500 Gas Turbine Engines within the scope of new technology, capability and infrastructure acquisition efforts. 1st HBFM is the highest decision-making and enforcement authority within the borders of the Republic of Türkiye in the field of Engineering for the aircraft and engines under its responsibility.
Under the management of the Ministry of National Defence (MSB) General Directorate of Military Factories (AFGM), the production level and the capabilities of the 1st HBFM in both aircraft and engine overhaul activities freed the Turkish Air Force (TurAF) from external dependency in this field, and made it self-sufficient with additional infrastructure investments recently made under the financial support and coordination of ASFAT INC. (such as the new Composite Manufacturing Technology Center, which could not be realized despite being planned for various reasons but was implemented with the support of ASFAT in one year), provision of the necessary tools and other needs (such as providing the necessary tools and other needs for PT6 Engine Depot-Level Maintenance Capability), and training programs implemented in courses provided both at home and abroad.