
Combat Management System (CMS)GEMKOMSIS byMilSOFT

MilSOFT’s Combat Management System (CMS) GEMKOMSIS is a scala

Date: Issue 10 - March 2008

Major Capabilities of GEMKOMSIS are:
• Sensor data processing and control integrated via Subsystem Interface Units
• Tactical picture compilation
• Helicopter and aircraft control based HOSTAC
• Search and rescue operations based on IAMSAR and ATP-10D
• Anti Air Warfare (AWW) and Anti Surface Warfare (ASUW)
• Link 11 /16/ 22 connectivity and forwarding
• General and Tactical Navigation
• Integrated messaging with external systems including ADatP3 format (MHS)
• Integrated AIS capabilities that are adaptable to Warship AIS(WAIS)
• Tactical Console User Interface based on Tactical Picture Infrastructure
• Simulation and Training
• High performance DDS Middleware satisfying the real time requirements
• OMG AMSM Based Resource Management

GEMKOMSIS has fully integrated functionality and a reusable CMS for different platforms, also allows computing technology upgrade during lifecycle. GEMKOMSIS is based on modern Link-16/22 data model and integrated with MilSOFT’s own Link 11/16 data link processor. On the other hand it enables sensors/weapons/functionality/addition and upgrade, and has no single point of failure. GEMKOMSIS maintains real-time performance, provides easy integration & maintenance and ready for Network Centric Operations. GEMKOMSIS has been evaluated to be the most competitive system among its market with the above mentioned characteristics. With this project MilSOFT received the 7th Technological Success Award in 2007 for GEMKOMSIS. GEMKOMSIS has been receiving high interest from Naval Forces of different countries.

MilSOFT is a system integration and software development company having business presence and interest in defence industry. MilSOFT is a 100% Turkish & private company with interest areas in Command Control & Tactical Data Links, Unmanned Air Vehicle/ Manned Aircraft Payload Image Exploitation Systems, Electronic Warfare, Embedded Systems Simulation and Modeling, and SW Development & Verification per DO-178 for FAA Certification. MilSOFT is a SEI Software Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 5 (which is the highest maturity level a software company can achieve in this model), NATO AQAP-160, and TS-EN-ISO 9001:2000 certificated Company.

MilSOFT Yazılım Teknolojileri A.Ş.
Address: Teknokent ODTU 06531 Ankara/ TURKEY
Tel: +90 312 292 30 00
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Mail: [email protected]