Date: Issue 133 - August 2024 Update: March 14, 2025
Anatolian Phoenix Exercises have been held twice a year, with the participation of Air Forces Command, Land Forces Command and General Staff Special Forces Command, in order to train Personnel Rescue Task Force elements in a realistic operational environment and bring them to the level of experience required by today's and future battlefields since 2009. It is carried out under the coordination of the 3rd Main Jet Base Command in Konya.
The Anatolian Phoenix Exercise has started to be carried out in a national and international manner since 2012. In the exercise, in which jet aircraft, helicopters and rescue teams participated, joint personnel rescue procedures to be carried out in the operational environment are tested and developed and the aim is to operate the command and control process effectively. Within the scope of Joint or Combined Operations, tasks such as close air support, dynamic targeting, and time-sensitive targeting are planned and executed by including them in exercise scenarios.