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International Future Soldier Conference to be Held on 23-24 March in Ankara

Date: November 08, 2019

The support of the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) the “International Future Soldier Conference” will be organized  with the coordination of SaSaD, Defence Turkey, METU Teknokent and Teknokent Defence Industry Cluster (TSSK) on March 23-24, 2020.

In this context, the conference and it will act as a platform which provides optimum benefit and awareness for sharing information between the parties and will gather the following participants;

·         The officials of the countries that conduct studies on “Future Soldier” concept

·         Turkish and foreign states’ military delegations

·         Global defence and technology companies’ executives  working in this field

·         Turkish defence industry executives

·         Other distinguished guests from universities, organizations and institutions

The main theme of the conference, “The Warrior, Today and Tomorrow” has been determined within the framework of providing opportunities for cooperation and creating common synergies in the field of “Future Soldier Concept and Technologies”. The 2-day conference will include the programs and policies of the countries that carry out Future Soldier Modernization projects, panels on new technologies in this field and business to business (B2B) meetings between global and Turkish companies.  You can get more information form www.ifscturkey.com

Within the scope of the planned conference program, panels, presentations, and discussions will be held in the following related technology fields:

Combat Clothing, Individual Equipment & Balistic Protection

Weapons, Sensors, Non Lethal Weapons, Ammunition

Power Solutions

Soft Target Protection

Soldier Physical, Mental and Cognitive Performance

Robotics and Autonomous Systems


C4ISTAR Systems

Exoskeleton Technology


Logistics Capability