
Our 5th ABFM Visit and Our Impressions

The maintenance architecture in military aviation is shaped by the Triple Maintenance System, which is the most common method preferred worldwide. For aircraft in the Turkish Armed Forces inventory, a Triple Maintenance System called Organizational-Level (O-Level/A-Check), Intermediate-Level (I-Level/B-Check), and Depot-Level (D-Level/C-Check) is implemented.

Date: Issue 135 - December 2024

"Organizational-Level Maintenance," where the necessary maintenance and service services are provided to make the aircraft ready for flights, can be carried out by the maintenance teams working in the maintenance units in all military units affiliated with the relevant Force Command.

The "Intermediate-Level Maintenance" concept, in which repair/adjustment operations are carried out on aircraft devices/equipment using special ground support equipment and test sets, is carried out by expert maintenance personnel within the Base Maintenance Commands.