
STM Thinktech Published New Cyber Threat Status Report

“ThinkTech” the Technological Thinking Center of the STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. announced its new quarter cyber threat status report on July 21, covering the term of April – June, drawing attention to current cyber threats. The Report points out cyber-attacks that interrupted the broadcast of games during the World Football Cup, the ‘Crypto Jacking Attacks’ which are contemporary threats towards cryptocurrencies - that are extensively used and recognized as financial assets, attacks against the Internet of Things and the hidden threats for voice assistants of smart devices

Date: Issue 85 - September 2018

Unfair Profits in Crypto Currency!

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR) and Ripple (XRP) starting to gain more financial value on a global scale day by day because of the distributed structure of digital money/payment systems. Trillions of calculations are being executed for the generation of “Blockchain” content referred to as the technology enabling the formation of cryptocurrency units.  This requires a significant amount of energy consumption in addition to high performance hardware. Thus, the recent “Crypto-jacking” attacks against cryptocurrencies imply the utilization of the aforesaid hardware, the control of which is seized through various means in crypto mining without the information or will of their owners.