
Türkiye Exports High-Tech Defence Products Even to NATO Countries

Date: Issue 124 - July 2023 Update: March 31, 2025

Turkish exporters continue to increase high technology products’ share in overall exports thanks to the country’s research and development (R&D) activities as well as government support. According to the provisional data, produced with the cooperation of the Turkish Statistical Institute and the Ministry of Trade, while the ratio of high-technology products in manufacturing industries exports was 3,4% during January 1st – December 31, 2022, it rose to 3,7% in January-May 2023 period. It was 2,9% during the same period last year. The high-technology products’ share in Türkiye’s overall exports rose to 4% in March 2023 and realized 3,6% in the first three months of 2023, from 2,8% during the same period last year according to the Turkish Statistical Institute’s data. Türkiye gives incentives and support, including tax and premium discounts, to companies active in producing high-technology and contributes to reducing imports.

Sectors with the highest value-added exports were it was, defence and aerospace industry, ready-to-wear and apparel, leather and leather products, tobacco and automotive sectors. In particular, the positive export performance of the defence and aerospace industry and ready-to-wear/apparel sectors made a great contribution to the export of Türkiye’s value-added and high-tech products. In 2022 while the export value per kilogram in the defence and aerospace sector reached over US$50, this value was around US$15 in ready-to-wear/apparel sector. In automotive sector, Türkiye’s largest export field, the value per kilogram was US$7.