
YUGOIMPORT-SDPR 60 Years of Integrating Force

On the eve of 2009, in which our company will celebrate its 60th jubilee, Yugoimport-SDPR

Date: Issue 17 - June 2009

«The state-owned company “Yugoimport-SDPR” is verified and certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 for the following activities:
Design and development of arms and defense equipment
Foreign trade, with the emphasis on the foreign trade in armaments and defense equipment and pertaining services including engineering services»

The main feature of the first mission – system integrator of the Serbian defense industry – is execution of development projects and production of complex weapon systems. This mission was adopted in order to substitute production of capital weapon systems (produced in the former SFRY Republics) and meet the defense needs of the Republic of Serbia, and was conceived in accordance with the current trends, on the model of the world’s leading manufacturers of complex weapon systems acting as system integrators. The final aim of this new mission is to provide capital weapon systems - designed, developed and produced in Serbia - for the Serbian Armed Forces, to increase overall export and employ defense and other local companies, and to keep, revitalize and broaden the research and development capabilities of the MoD and civilian institutes. The mission includes complex activities consisting of various processes, ranging from weapon design solutions made in cooperation with potential MoD users, analysis of main target markets and world trends in development of relevant categories of defense equipment, up to starting up serial production.
Acting on the said mission, in the past few years 10 weapon systems were developed and introduced into serial production, carried out directly by Yugoimport-SDPR. They include:
- Self-propelled artillery weapon NORA-B/52
- Upgraded 105 mm Howitzer
- 60 mm mortar
- 105 mm ammunition, extended range
- 40 mm BGJ 40 grenade launcher, single-shot
- Mortar ballistic computer and CIS M07/M07-G
- Bulletproof and tactical vests
- Lasta training aircraft

Twenty-nine projects are currently in different stages of development, out of which seven are in the final stage of development or in the stage of setting up serial production. Some of them are listed below:
Family of armored fighting vehicles LAZAR, the development of which puts Yugoimport-SDPR as the system integrator of the Serbian defense industry in the front ranks, among the most significant world suppliers of modern AFVs
Anti-tank/multi-purpose long-range missile system with non-line-of-sight guidance (N-LOS) ALAS, representing the most ambitious project in terms of technology
BMS M84AB1 command and information system for armored units, which makes the basis for development of a complex CIS for the Army
Upgraded M84AB1 tank, developed in cooperation with indigenous and foreign technolgical partners
Universal optoelectronic multisensor station (TOMS)
MI-8/17 helicopter and Lasta aircraft 12.7 mm machinegun pod
Resources for implementation of the development and production strategy of Yugoimport-SDPR include internal company resources and the resources of its technological partners.
The second mission was put into practice in the early fifties, when the first export deals for the Yugoslav defense companies were made. This mission makes our company the main marketing and commercial exponent of defense industry and importer for the Serbian Armed Forces, and it still has its rightful place in our business dealings.
This year, except for the successful implementation of the contract signed with the Iraqi MoD last year, we have continued to score points in the Near East, African and Asian markets.
We make ourselves present on the global defense market by taking part in several international defense exhibitions every year, in line with the strategy adopted a few years back, but gradually investing more funds in the nature and form of our participation. The weapons displayed at these exhibitions, especially the capital weapon systems from the finalized development projects and the ones still in progress, as well as the spreading news of our commercial success, point out to an ever increasing importance of the Serbian defense industry and YI-SDPR as its system integrator on the global defense market. In 2008, we took part in the following exhibitions: DEFEXPO 08 in New Delhi, India, SOFEX 2008 in Aman, Jordan, DSA 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malesia and EUROSATORY 2008 in Paris, France. We would like to place a special emphasis on our participation at the EUROSATORY exhibition, where Yugoimport-SDPR was introduced with the Serbian MoD as well, at the national «island-type» pavillion.
Responding to the initiative of the Belgrade Fair and the Ministry of Defense started a few years ago, Yugoimport-SDPR is preparing for the PARTNER 2009 (June 02 true 05, 2009.) exhibition as the integrator and promoter of the RS defense industry. This exhibition will be a good opportunity to promote the above mentioned development projects of the Serbian defense companies to the general public in the Republic of Serbia.
Yugoimport-SDPR as the coorganizer of the defence exhibition, has the honour of inviting you to visit PARTNER 2009 and the stand of our company.