
Aegis Ashore is a Verified Hit: US Successfully Complete first Intercept for Land-Based Combat System

Tarih: Issue 65 - February 2016

In the first live fire intercept test of Aegis Ashore, Lockheed Martin the U.S. Navy and the Missile Defense Agency successfully destroyed a ballistic missile target at the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF).

The test also demonstrated the system’s “Launch on Remote” capability, where Aegis Ashore uses information from another radar system to launch an intercept missile before switching to Aegis Ashore’s own SPY-1 radar to guide that missile to the target. This level of interactivity between radar systems, which greatly extend the range of Aegis protections, is a hallmark of the networked, integrated shield of defense that Aegis-both at sea and on land-provides.