
ASD 2011 Annual Convention Held In Istanbul

With 28 member associations in 20 Europ

Tarih: Issue 31 - December 2011

Turkey, a Gateway: New expansions to emerging markets - Exploring new markets through enhanced collaboration, joint-production, sales to third countries, risk-sharing partnerships

? Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Next steps? The contribution of UAS to the civil & military security dimensions; the key developments required to exploit the full potential of UAS in the civ/mil domain; recent developments in the area of traffic insertion; avenues of cooperation and future technology trends.

? Maritime security and the future of the naval sector "The civil & military dimensions of maritime security for the EU: The implications for industrial actors. Avenues of cooperation and future trends."

? New Dimensions of the Land Sector, The Future of Civil Aeronautics -New Technologies in the Land Sector, C-IED Solutions, Force Protection through Land Vehicles, C4ISR Utilization"

? The Future of Civil Aeronautics

? E-Standards: A Strategic Asset across the Value Chain

On the second day of the convention after the opening remarks of ASD President Domingo Ureña-Raso and the Deputy Minister of Defence Kemal Yard?mc? a round table discussion was held on ?Critical infrastructure protection, border control and crisis management as key components of security.? Keynote speakers included Kemal Yardimci, the Turkish Deputy Minister of Defence; Murad Bayar, the Turkish Undersecretary of Defence Industries; Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA); Patrick Auroy, NATO?s Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investments; as well as Domingo Ureña-Raso, the outgoing ASD President and his successor Klaus Eberhardt, CEO of Rheinmetall.

In the session held in the afternoon the keynote speech was delivered by Boeing Company Executive Vice President, President and CEO Commercial Airlines James F. Albaugh. Later in the second round table a discussion took place on ?Strategic concepts in security and defence in the present context of global threats and shrinking budgets.?


ASD outgoing President Domingo Ureña-Raso and President of Airbus Military on his last day at the Convention held a joint press conference with SaSaD General Secretary Kaya Yazgan to hand over the Presidency to this successor Rheinmetall?s CEO Klaus Eberhardt and to assess the ASD 2011 Convention. In this remarks Ureña-Raso stated that the Turkish defence industry had realized a good production since the 1980s. Indicating that the ASD was an organization made up of 28 associations from 20 European nations, he outlined that this organization provided work opportunities for more than 700,000 individuals with sales from companies totaling 163 billion Euros. Ureña-Raso mentioned that they represent the global market with over 500 individuals and that the Turkish aerospace industry took place at the same level with Europe and went on to add: ?Like the bridge on our logo we must combine our future work. If European companies want to continue their livelihood they must wake up, they must not cutback on costs.?

SaSaD General Secretary Kaya Yazgan stated that over 150 European company officials has met in Istanbul and that by recognizing Turkey it was important for European companies to invest in Turkey.

Noting that they designed and produced the A400M military cargo aircraft, the A319, A320, A321 and A380 passenger aircrafts, the ATAK helicopter and the Talarion UAV, Yazgan said that the European companies undertook risk partnership in these productions and added: ?By undertaking important responsibilities the Turkish industry presented successful examples in the defence industry. We support the Turkish government?s participation in the OCCAR consortium formed by purchasing countries. Despite Turkey not being a member of OCCAR Turkey, aside from design, development and production, undertakes logistic support for the A400M project.

Klaus Eberhardt, stating that he had been affected by the capabilities of the Turkish industry added that they had won new tenders in other markets with Turkey?s name. Mentioning that Turkey had formed a competitive market in the region, Eberhardt said that the partnership to be carried out in both civil aviation and in the defence industry would provide benefits to everyone and continued by saying: ?We believe Turkey will open new markets with projects in Asia-Pacific countries. There is no wall surrounding the European Union. As there is no limit, there is support on top of it. Turkey is a NATO partner and in order for the world defence industry to develop we need Turkey. We want to work in an integrated way.?

After the addresses to the Convention, Airbus Military President Domingo Ureña-Raso turned over the ASD term presidency to his successor Rheinmetall?s CEO Klaus Eberhardt.