Tarih: Issue 119 - December 2022
Defence Turkey: As Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) of the Pakistan Navy (PN), can you describe the main tasks associated with your role?
Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan NIAZI: As Chief of the Naval Staff, I exercise command and control of the Pakistan Navy (PN) in operational, combat, logistics, administration, training and welfare matters. I am also the Chief Technical Adviser to the Government on all matters concerning the Navy, Naval Defense and Maritime Affairs, both in peace and war. The powers vested in me as the Chief of the Naval Staff are by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces i.e., the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Accordingly, my focus is towards maintaining a combat ready and agile force, capable of dealing with the entire threat spectrum stretching from the non-traditional and sub-conventional realm to high-end conventional conflict. I am confident that we are transforming the Pakistan Navy into a potent, resilient and reckonable force.