
Exclusive Tour Inside İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command, Design Project Office (DPO), and TCG İstanbul Frigate

Among the 84 private shipyards and 4 military shipyards in our country, the İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command, with a history dating back to the 1450s, is the largest in terms of both capacity and size. Established on a total area of 1 million square meters, including 140,000 square meters of indoor space, and housing 32 separate factories/workshops within its premises, the İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command is responsible not only for the maintenance and sustainment of 168 ships and naval vessels currently in the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces Command but also for the construction of new surface combatants. On April 22, 2024, a press activity was conducted by the Ministry of National Defence Press and Public Relations Consultancy to introduce the İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command, the first ship of the İSTİF Class Frigate Project, TCG İstanbul Frigate (F-515), and the Naval Forces Command Design Project Office (DPO) to the Turkish and international public. TCG İstanbul Frigate (F-515), designed by the Naval Forces Command Design Project Office (DPO) with domestic capabilities and constructed at İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command, was delivered on January 19, 2024. Established on March 12, 2004, as the MİLGEM Project Office within İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command, the Design Project Office (DPO) has been operating in its new building since September 2015.

Tarih: Issue 130 - May 2024

During the event, which was attended by approximately 40 reporters, İstanbul Naval Shipyard Commander Rear Admiral (RDML) Recep Erdinç YETKİN provided a comprehensive briefing introducing the İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command at the Design Project Office (DPO) Directorate building. Following this, Assoc. Prof. Captain (CAPT) Hakan UÇAR, the Director of the Naval Forces Command Design Project Office (DPO), conducted a presentation on the capabilities of the DPO and provided information on the MİLGEM, İstanbul-class Frigate, TF-2000 AAW (Anti-Air Warfare) Destroyer, and National Aircraft Carrier Projects.

Following the presentation, the reporters were taken to the second floor of the building to visit the Hull and Machinery Design Chief Engineering section, where the design works for the TF-2000 and National Aircraft Carrier Projects prepared by DPO engineers were showcased. During the tour, the press members were briefed, and their questions were answered by DPO Director Hakan UÇAR, DPO Hull Design Branch Manager Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Mustafa KÜLTÜR, and DPO Machinery Design Branch Manager Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Mustafa Güntaç TOSUN regarding the projects. After the DPO Directorate building visit, a lunch break was provided during the press activity.