
Milrem Robotics Successfully Concludes US Army’s Expeditionary Warrior Experiment

Tarih: Issue 130 - May 2024

Milrem Robotics has successfully concluded its participation in the US Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE). The event, conducted in February in Fort Moore, USA, focussed on experimenting with new technology in realistic operational settings. In cooperation and partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and at the invitation of the Dutch Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) unit, it allowed Milrem Robotics to present the capabilities of weaponized THeMIS Combat Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV).

Prior to and during the event, Milrem Robotics was actively engaged with the RAS unit to refine operational concepts for deployment within combat formations. “AEWE showcased the advanced stage of the THeMIS UGV, highlighting its operational readiness and allowing us to collect crucial user feedback on the system and concepts,” stated Patrick Shepherd, Milrem Robotics’ Chief Sales Officer.