
National Combat Aircraft KAAN Successfully Completes Its Second Flight

Tarih: Issue 130 - May 2024

Under the National Combat Aircraft KAAN Project initiated by the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB), the second flight was successfully conducted by Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) on May 6, 2024.

Following the second flight, President of Defence Industries Haluk GÖRGÜN met with the Test Pilots and the Project Team, stating: "We are excited, and at the same time, proud. We witnessed another important day in Turkish aviation history. KAAN made its second flight today, having completed its first flight on February 21. The first flight achieved the planned pre-flight objectives successfully. After evaluating and analyzing the data obtained from the first flight, preparations for the second flight were completed, and we conducted our second flight this morning. Like the first flight, it was very successful. The data obtained from this flight will be evaluated by the entire team, and preparations will continue for subsequent flights. I thank all our employees, engineers, pilots, and test pilots involved, and I hope it will be auspicious for our nation. Everyone was incredibly excited from the early hours of the morning, praying and hoping for this flight to take off and land successfully. All those who contributed tried to be here, experiencing this moment together."