
Roketsan Shaping the Future with New Product Releases

Tarih: Issue 55 - September 2014

The 2.75 in (70 mm) Laser-Guided Cirit Missile

The 2.75 in (70 mm) Laser-Guided Cirit Missile has been designed by Roketsan as a high-precision and cost-effective solution, for use from attack helicopters against light armored vehicles as well as stationary and moving targets; it is qualified in its catagory as the first ever mass-produced guided missile.  Aside from being a primary ammunition system aboard the T-129 Atak helicopter, the Cirit can also be used on the AT-802 border security aircraft and the AH-1W Cobra attack helicopter.  The Cirit can also be integrated into diverse platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles, land vehicles, stationary land platforms, light assault aircraft and naval platforms.  It is also the first guided missile to enter service in the armed forces of a number of allied countries as part of mass-production contracts.  The first export of the Cirit was in 2013 to the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates.