
SARSILMAZ to Take KORALP Family Gun Turrets to the Next Level with BEST DEFENCE

Tarih: Issue 133 - August 2024 Güncelleme: March 26, 2025

In the Gun Turret Sector, which has an annual market size of $15 billion, SARSILMAZ aims to capture at least 5% of this market, roughly $750 million, over the next three years. In May 2024, SARSILMAZ announced the acquisition of BEST GROUP's Gun Turrets unit, renowned for its high engineering and integration capabilities in remote-controlled weapon systems (RCWS). Following this, SARSILMAZ founded BEST DEFENCE to fill a crucial gap in the defence industry by integrating high firepower weapon systems — 7.62 mm, 12.7 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm — into remote-controlled gun turrets for both land and naval platforms. Foreseeing the future of the defence industry in "robotic weapon systems," SARSILMAZ had previously established LA2 Dynamics in 2022 to develop and manufacture legged robots, further advancing its strategy to become a defence industry-focused technology company. Earlier, in 2017, SARSILMAZ also added YAVAŞÇALAR to its portfolio, a company specializing in light weapon ammunition, hunting and sports cartridges, and emulsion-based explosives, thus effectively integrating ammunition with weapons and platforms.

The gun turrets of BEST DEFENCE were showcased for the first time along with SARSILMAZ's SAR 556 MT, SAR 762 MT, and SAR 127 MT weapons at the EFES 2024 Exercise.