
SUNGUR Scored a Direct Hit During a Live Fire Test

Tarih: Issue 130 - May 2024

The SUNGUR MANPADS (Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems), developed by ROKETSAN, demonstrated its precision in successful test firing. ROKETSAN announced from its official social media account that SUNGUR hit its target with pinpoint accuracy. The shared post emphasized, "With its asymmetric warfare capability, SUNGUR, the effective power of our air defense, showcased its precision in the test firing, hitting its target with unparalleled accuracy."

The Press and Public Relations Consultant Rear Admiral (RADM) Zeki AKTÜRK shared this during the Ministry of National Defense's weekly press briefing, stating that the SUNGUR Air-Defence System developed by ROKETSAN had been delivered to the Turkish Land Forces Command in February last year.