
The First Batch of Modernized M60T Tanks was Delivered to the Turkish Land Forces Command

Tarih: Issue 130 - May 2024

"TİYK - M60T First Tank Delivery Ceremony", which was initiated by the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB), was held in Şereflikoçhisar with the participation of Minister of National Defence Yaşar GÜLER, Chief of General Staff General Metin GÜRAK, Commander of the Turkish Land Forces General Selçuk BAYRAKTAROĞLU, President of Defence Industries Prof. Haluk GÖRGÜN, and Turkish Armed Forces and Turkish defence sector representatives.

The National Fire Control System VOLKAN-M was developed under the Fırat M60T Project to replace the foreign-origin Fire Control System in tanks. The contract for the TİYK-M60T Project, a new project aimed at integrating these systems in serial production, was signed between the SSB and Aselsan on July 4, 2022.